For me, -modern- Forensic Science & Art with medical case law and forensic medicine is not just a profession. It is a passion and a way of life. The mission of the company delimits the framework on which my decisions and actions are based. My main values are shared by every client and every scientific collaborator of the company as well as the certified laboratories of Greece, Europe, USA. and Australia.
Its mission is to maintain a recognized lead in its performance in the Greek & Cypriot -Medical arena- through the provision of innovative Medical solutions, unquestionably dynamic and aggressive representation in the Court of “testimony” and continuous commitment to the best service of the clients. value / cost / result of its services, to provide its services to natural & legal persons “EXCEPT doctors”, Law Firms, Airlines, Shipping & Insurance companies, undertaking cases related to its object, providing inviolable results with complete confidentiality and respect always for the benefit of the Society and the Citizen in the administration of Justice.